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Slimline ድርብ ማገጃ እና መድማት ቫልቭ

Slimline double block and bleed valve — a unique type of valve produced by Sev-valve Tech. This የደም መፍሰስ ቫልቮች is great because it saves space, while remaining safe and sound. Ideal for the areas where space is limited or the equipment is very important. That means it can be applied in various environments where these factors are critical. 

The slimline double block and bleed valve is unique by virtue of the fact that it combines two valves into a single, compact piece. This ingenious configuration aids in space-saving for many applications. This valve is great at helping keep liquids and gases away from one another. This is crucial in spaces with restricted access, like small-pipes and tight machinery fittings. The slim design allows it to fit into places where standard valves might not fit.

Two valves in one compact design

This valve is extremely handy in cases of limited space. It ingeniously integrates two individual valves together with a bleed valve, all in one single package. This means you are saving space, but also, you are saving weight, and I A Lot of applications can be much significant. It allows to cost down as well as it is smaller and lighter, hence becomes an inexpensive option for many projects. Moreover, the valve is easy to be mounted to pipelines and is extremely easy to install. This means that it can be a quick out of the box solution for those who need to install it quickly.

Why choose sev-valve Slimline double block and bleed valve?

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