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Air actuated ball valve

Sev-valve air actuated ball valve is a specialized device that controls the passage of fluids, such as oil or water, through pipes. They are used in several industries including plants and water treatment factories that require precise fluid flow control. We go on to further explain what this zárószelep does, how it works, what it does to you, how to pick the right valve for you, and some maintenance tips

How Air Actuated Ball Valve Works for Efficient Control

This valve works on the principle of air pressure passing over a part called the piston. This piston is what connects to the ball and spins it. For controlling the air to piston, there is a solenoid golyóscsap acél used in the system. This solenoid valve opens and closes, permitting air to reach the piston or ultimately obstructing it, ensuring that the valve opens and closes smoothly and precisely

Why choose sev-valve Air actuated ball valve?

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